AquaKing Floculant – 1Lt


AquaKing liquid Flocculant is ideal for the control of cloudy and dull swimming pool water. This product is recommended for use in all high-rate sand filters for improving the filtration and giving swimming pool water, a clear and crisp quality.


AquaKing liquid Flocculant is ideal for the control of cloudy and dull swimming pool water. This product is recommended for use in all high-rate sand filters for improving the filtration and giving swimming pool water, a clear and crisp quality.


Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 22 × 9 × 9 cm

1Lt AquaKing Flocculant Sea Blue per 50 000 Litres Swimming Pool Water.

Pour half of the contents of a 1 litre bottle into 10 litres of water and mix thoroughly. Pour the combined mixture into the swimming pool, while the pool pump is running. Backwash the pool's filter the following day, to remove the dirt trapped after using AquaKing floculant. Repeat the dosage, periodically, after each backwash to retain the clarity of the swimming pool's water.

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