
Mosaic Wonder – 1 Lt Mosaic Tile Cleaner

Original price was: R225.00.Current price is: R205.00.

SKU: MOS/W Categories: ,


Clean WITHOUT Scrubbing !

Mosaic Wonder is well known for its cleaning properties on swimming pool mosaic tiles, but also works well as a general cleaning product (when diluted) on various surfaces.

Additional information

Weight 1.15 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 20 cm

18% Hydrofloric Acid


Please read the instructions for use printed on the product container carefully before use. Do NOT use on Baked Glazed tiles. ALWAYS wear rubber gloves.

Additional Uses:

Mosiac Wonder can also be used to clean the following surfaces – when diluted. Rinse surfaces with clean water afterwards.
* Stains left on windows, especially when cleaned with borehole water.
* Marks and stains on old baths, basins and toilets.
* General metallic objects, e.g. brass, copper, etc (test a sample area first).

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